Cookie Cup Espresso at Takayama Morning Market


The Takayama morning market is one of the largest in Japan. The Jinya-mae market is located on the Miyagawa River from Kaji bashi Bridge to Yayoi bashi Bridge in Takayama. The market holds about 60 farmers or vendors who sells fruits, vegetables, pickles, spices, sweets, foods, drinks, and crafts among other things. Jinya-mae market originated over 300 years ago when silk farmers sold mulberry trees. The Takayama morning market is open from April to November from 7:00 to noon and December to March from 8:00 to noon. It is a 10 minute walk from JR Takayama Station.

White Pelican at Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge

white pelican

Mallard Slough Trail Alviso (San Jose)

White Pelicans can be some of the largest North American birds with a 9 foot wingspan and weighing between 9.2 to 30 pounds. They are identified by having large heads and yellow huge bills. For feeding the pelicans dip their bills to swallow fish. Historically White Pelicans were threatened with extinction due to DDT pesticides during the 1950s and 1960s but returned back to health due to stricter environmental protection laws. White Pelicans generally live in the lakes, marshes, and salt ponds most of the time. The birds are similar to Brown Pelicans except they are larger and don’t dive from the air for fish.